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  Feeding Guide  

Transition period

You should always gradually introduce any new food to your dog’s diet to avoid any stomach upsets. Transitioning of new food usually takes about 7-10 days, mixing an increasing amount of new food with old food each day. Start with 25% of new food with 75% of old food for approximately 3 days. Then 50% of old with 50% of new for the next 3 days. 

Determine the amount of food that keeps your dog’s weight stable

For a start, we recommend feeding your dog at 3% of their weight. However, this serves as a guideline only and will not apply to every dog. It is important to weigh your dog weekly to monitor whether your dog’s weight is stable, rising or falling with the amount of food being fed. Adjust the amount of food you are feeding until you find the amount that maintains a stable weight.

You may also use the below dog’s body condition score in order to determine how much food to feed. Ideally, you should be able to feel but not see the ribs and by looking straight down at your dog, there should be a recognisable waist.


The Junior:

Should be fed 3-4 times a day until they reach 6 months of age, feeding can be reduced to twice daily. (Encourage growth in bone and muscle, not fat) Better to give omega-3 fatty acids DHA (found in fish oil) as it increases learning potential in puppies and growing dogs. Larger breed puppy food should have lesser calcium as too much can cause skeletal problems (hip dysplasia or osteochondrosis dessicans) Overfeeding can cause this problem as well. 

The Adult:

When your puppy has reached 90% of their adult weight, they do not need as much amount of food as compared when they are younger. You will need to slowly adjust the amount of food needed for them to maintain their weight. They also do not need frequent meals: 2 times a day is sufficient.

For small and medium breed: probably between 6-9 months while large breeds: 9 to 12 months when they reach adult weight.

The Senior:

An older dog should be fed smaller meals more frequently. The general guideline will be 2 to 3 times a day. They should have a diet that has lower calories, higher in fibre and has sufficient protein and fat. Medical conditions: please let us know if there is any recommendation from the vet

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